Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Business Ethics

Ethics and integrity is a genuine desire to help others. Extreme honesty, the ability to mengenalisis competition limits a person, the ability to admit mistakes and learn from failure.
These are to be heating up the competition lately. The word suggests a concept that those who succeed is that good at destroying enemies. Many said the competition a symbol of greed. In fact, a freer world trade in the future it is also promoting freer competition.
Through science we can ponder the competition, imagine our exporters who are challenged to jump into a new arena of free-market future. Ability to compete should not at all determined by the size of a company. This is what is often conceptualized differently by our rulers.
If we are to achieve the target in the year 2000, it was time for the business world we are able to create a business activity that was immoral and unethical, which is visible along the journey and the mutual need between the bottom of the middle class and elite businessmen.
In creating business ethics, there are some things to consider, among others, namely self-control, development of social responsibility, maintaining identity, creating healthy competition, applying the concept of social responsibility development, maintaining identity, creating healthy competition, applying the concept of development sustainable, avoiding attitudes 5K (note, conspiracy, connection, Collusion, and the Commission) was able to say that right was right, etc..
With the existence of morality and ethics in the business world, and awareness of all parties to implement it, we believe that gap can be reduced, and we are optimistic that one of the obstacles in the era of globalization in the year 2000 can be overcome.


Moral In Business World
In line with the end of the APEC leaders meeting in Osaka of Japan and by diperjelasnya term to make the Asia Pacific in 2000 became a free trade area so well we limit the world will increasingly "blurred" (borderless) world. This obviously makes all the activities to each other racing each other to get the chance (opportunity) and benefits (profit). Sometimes
time to get this opportunity and advantage, forcing people to heed all the methods there are the injured party or not.
With these conditions, our business will be more clearly against the clock as well as other countries towards a mutually beneficial economic arrangement. But we need to question whether what is expected by the APEC leaders can be achieved when there is an international business in particular and in general we are seized with the will of each other "oppressive" to obtain multiple rates of return. This is a challenge for our business ethics.
If we are to achieve the target in the year 2000, there were times when the business world we are able to create a business activity that was immoral and unethical, which is visible along the journey and the mutual need between the groups of middle and upper class businessmen. Would this be realized?
Talking about morals is closely associated with religious and cultural talks, meaning that the moral rules of business is strongly influenced by the teachings and culture of the perpetrators of their own business. Every religion teaches people to have a morally admirable, whether it is in activities to benefit the "business". So, the moral is obviously an admirable and definitely have a positive impact for both parties. For example, in executing the transaction, if done honestly and firmly, clearly both parties will feel satisfied and gain the trust of each other, which eventually will be established close cooperation of mutual benefit.
Moral and business need to continue to exist so that the business world there is really guaranteed satisfaction levels at both consumers and producers. Why these things need to be discussed?
The sticking issue is the rapid development of information without the offset to the business world that has the "moral", the world will become a modern jungle in the strong oppressing the weak, so what is mandated by the 1945 Constitution, Article 33 and the Guidelines to create justice and equality will not never materialized.
Moral was born from people who have and know the teachings of religion and culture. Religion has set a person in making relationships with people so that it can be stated that people who base their business on a religion would have an admirable moral of doing business. Based on this moral fact of doing business will not be determined in the form of a rule (rule) is determined by certain parties. Moral must grow from a person with knowledge of teaching religion and culture have to be able to be applied in everyday life.

Ethics In Business World

If morality is something that encourages people to do good ethics to act as signs (sign) that are willing to arrangements of all members of a group. Unscrupulous business world will be able to develop ethics (standards / guidelines) to ensure business activities are balanced, harmony, and harmony.
Ethics as signs within a society will be able to guide and remind its members to an act of noble (good conduct) that must always be adhered to and implemented. Ethics in business has

must be agreed by the people who are in business groups as well as other related groups. Why?
Business world, that does not exist regarding the relationship between the businessman and an entrepreneur, but have national and even international connections. Of course, in this case, to realize the ethics of doing business need a transparent discussion between all parties, employers, government, community and other nations to do only one side while running the ethics of other parties based on what they want. This means that if there are parties who do not know and approve of moral ethics and ethics, it was clear what had been agreed upon by businesses will never be realized. So, obviously to produce an ethics within the business which ensures the existence of care between one party and another party does not need the global nature of the conversation that leads to a rule that does not harm anyone in the economy.
In creating business ethics, there are some things to consider, among other things is


That is, business actors and stakeholders able to control themselves each for not getting anything from anyone and in any form. In addition, businesses do not find it profitable to cheat the road and hit the other side and use the profits to the street and menakan cheat others and use these profits even though it is the right benefits for businesses, but its use must also consider the condition of the surrounding community. This is the business ethic that "ethical".

Development of social responsibility (social responsibility)

Business people here claimed to care about the state of society, not only in the form of "money" by giving a donation, but more complex. This means that as an example of opportunities that are owned by businessmen to sell at higher price levels during the occurrence of excess demand should be a concern and awareness for business people to not take advantage of this opportunity to reap profits doubled. So, in a state of excess demand, businesses must be able to develop and manifest the attitude of responsibility towards the surrounding community.

Maintaining the identity and not easy to be swayed by the rapid development of information and technology

Not that business ethics and anti-growth information technology, but information and technology must be utilized to raise awareness for the group are weak and do not lose the culture that has caused the transformation of information and technology.

Creates healthy competition

Competition in the business world need to increase the efficiency and quality, but this competition does not kill the weak, and vice versa, there must be a tightly interwoven between big business and middle class people down, so that with a large development company capable of providing a spread effect on the surrounding developments. For that purpose in creating the competition necessary to have balanced forces in the business world.

Applying the concept of "sustainable development"

The business world should not think of profits only in the present, but need to think about how the situation in the future. Based on the obvious perpetrator of this business is required not to "exploitation" when the current environment and circumstances as closely as possible without considering the environment and circumstances in the future despite the present moment is a chance to earn big profits.

Avoiding 5K properties (note, conspiracy, connection, Collusion and Commissions)
If businesses have been able to avoid this attitude, we are confident will not happen again what is called the corruption, manipulation and other forms of foul play in the business world or the various cases that defame the name of nation and state.

Correct to state that it's true

That is, if the business was not fair to receive a credit (for example) because the requirements can not be met, do not use the "note" from "connections" and to "collusion" with the wrong data. Also, do not force yourself to have a "collusion" and give "commission" to the parties concerned.

Foster mutual trust between powerful businessmen and faction faction entrepreneurs down
To create the business conditions are "conducive" there must be mutual trust (trust) between groups with a group of powerful entrepreneurs entrepreneurs entrepreneurs weak weak to be able to grow along with other businessmen who already large and well established. Which during the trust between the parties that there is only a strong group, when it's time to give opportunity to the medium to grow and take part in the business world.

And consistently with the rules of the game at a mutually agreed
All the concepts of business ethics that have been determined will not be accomplished if each person does not want to be consistent and consistent with these ethics. Why? If all business when it had been agreed, while there were "deplorable", both businessmen who own or other parties trying to do "cheating" for the sake of personal interests, clearly all the concepts of business ethics would "fall" a semi one.

Fostering awareness and sense of belonging to what has been agreed

If this ethic has had by all, clear all provide a peace and comfort in doing business.

There needs to be part of business ethics as outlined in the form of a positive legal regulations

This is to ensure legal certainty of business ethics, such as "protection" against the businessman weak.

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World energy needs a moral and ethical business nowadays are already being felt and highly expected by all parties especially with the rapid development of globalization of this earth.
With the existence of morality and ethics in the business world as well as awareness of all parties to implement it, we believe that gap will be overcome, and optimistic in the face of one of the obstacles can be overcome in 2000.


Changes in world trade requires immediate dibenahinya business ethics to the world economic order has improved. What steps should be taken? Not uncommon in the business applies the concept of goal justifies all means. Even the smell of a criminal action was pursued for the sake of achieving a goal. If it were so, the entrepreneur who became pengerak economic motor will turn into economic animals.
Occurrence of moral turpitude in the business world but apparently not appeared opposite trend, increasing every day. The action marked up, break a promise, not heed the public interest, not pay attention to natural resources and for measures to collusion and bribery are a few examples of dedication to ethical business entrepreneurs.
In a simple business ethics can be interpreted as a non-binding rules of the game because it's not legal. But it must be remembered in the daily business practices business ethics can be disallowed for that business activity is executed. Business ethics is very important considering the business world can not be separated from other elements. The existence of the business is essentially to meet the needs of the community. Business not only has links with people and legal entities as suppliers, buyers, distributors, users and others.
As part of the community, the business must comply with existing norms in society. Good business relationships and society are inseparable and that brings a certain ethics in business activities, good ethics among business people and business ethics in relation to society, directly or indirectly.
By mapping the pattern of relationships in business as it can be seen that the principles of business ethics embodied in a pattern of relationships that are interactive. This relationship not only within one country, but includes a variety of countries integrated in world trade relations nuance has now changed. Changes in shades of world development that requires immediate dibenahinya business ethics. Section, the legal conditions surrounding the business world is too far behind in economic growth and development. Business relationships with other parties related to the complex. Consequently, when the fast moving business world, there are left parties and aggrieved, because the legal instruments and rules have not gotten the attention of the corporate world balanced.
One example of that later becomes a problem for the government and the business world is still the existence of violations of workers' wages. It's causing some national products affected by restrictions on international markets. Another example is the forest products that receive a strong protest because employers do not pay attention to the continuity of Indonesia is considered a valuable natural resource.


Breach of ethics that can weaken the competitiveness of industrial products for international market. This can happen attitude entrepreneurs.
Even worse when the Indonesian businessman underestimate the business ethics that applies generally and is not binding.
The tendency of the increasing number of violations of business ethics makes concerns many parties. Neglect of business ethics will bring loss is felt not only for society, but also for national economic order. Knowingly or not, entrepreneurs who do not pay attention to business ethics will destroy their own name and country.

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