Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Here are some of the understanding of communication drawn from several sources:
Communication is a process of exchanging information between individuals through a system of ordinary (common) either by means of symbols, signals, or behavior or action.

Communication is a process of delivering and receiving of messages or information between two or more people with the hope of a positive influence or cause a certain effect is expected. Communication is the perception and appreciation.

Communication is the basic thing that is always needed and done by every human being, because communication is a basic human interactions to obtain an agreement and understanding that was built to achieve an objective that its maximum between the two. To achieve the efforts to communicate effectively, then better we need to know a number of insights and problems that occur in the communication process itself.

Here is some understanding of business communication drawn from several sources:
Business communication is any communication that is used to build partnerships, intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product, service, or an organization, with objectives to create value for existing business. Business Communication includes a thorough knowledge of internal and external side of the business. Internal communications including communications vision (company / enterprise), strategies, plans, culture / corporate culture, values and basic principles contained in the company, employee motivation, as well as ideas, etc.. External communications including branding, marketing, advertising, customer relations, public relations, media relations, business negotiations, etc.. After all its forms, all these things have the same goal, namely to create a business value (create business value).

Business Communication is communication used in the business world that includes various forms of communication both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Business communication is a process of exchanging messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work product in the structure and organization systems. In the normal business communication, messages should not only be informative but also persuasive, so that other parties are willing to accept an idea or a belief or performing an act or activity.

Business communication is a process of exchanging messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work product in the structure and organization systems. In the normal business communication, messages should not only be informative but also persuasive, so that other parties are willing to accept an idea or a belief or performing an act or activity.

Business communication differ from interpersonal communication and cross-cultural communication. Interpersonal communication (interpersonal communications) is the commonly found form of communication in daily life hariantara two or more people to achieve certain goals. While cross-cultural communication (Intercultural / Communication) is a form of communication is done between two or more persons, who each - each have a different culture.

Communication includes five elements, then known by the formula 5 W + 1 H, namely:
1. Communicator = WHO [the communicator, the source, the sender]
2. Message = says what [message]
3. Media = ins Which channel [channel, media]
4. Communicants = to Whom [communicant, communicatee, Receiver, recipient]
5. Effect [effect, impact, influence]
The first thing to do is understand the basic form of communication. Because a good communicator should have some tools that support communication to convey a message. Like how to put words in a communication that has meaning and can attract the interest and sympathy from his audience and invites participants to actively participate in communication as in the discussion activities.
1. Informative communication [informative communication]
2. Persuasive communication [persuasive communication]
3. Communication instructive / coercive [instructive / coersive communication]
4. Human relationships [Human relations]

1. Changes in attitude [attitude change]
2. Changes in the opinion of [opinion change]
3. Changes in behavior [behavior change]
4. Social change [social change]

There are basically two forms of communication commonly used in the business world, namely, verbal communication and nonverbal communication.
Verbal 1.Komunikasi
Verbal communication (verbal communication) is one form of communication is conveyed to other parties in writing (written) and verbal (oral). Examples are reading a magazine, newspaper mambaca, presenting a paper in a seminar and others.
While verbal communication memilki differentiated into two types namely, based on the active or passive participant in the communication process communication. Where verbal communication can act as a communicator or sender of the message and can act as an audience
As in communicating verbally, required disclosure of the words that are arranged in a pattern that means, either in written form or orally, such as:
Speaking and Writing
A message that is very important and complex, should be submitted by using the text, such as letters, memos and reports
Listening and Reading
To achieve effective communication, then needed two-way communication, where people involved in it requires listening skills (listening) and reading (reading).

Nonverbal 2.Komunikasi
Nonverbal communication is the most fundamental form of communication in business communications. Although in general the nature of nonverbal communication has a less structured, making it difficult to learn, as understood in the use of sign language, facial expressions, body movements, password, symbols, colors and tone of voice. In its delivery, verbal communication and nonverbal communication memilki different meanings, such as nonverbal communication. the message is usually done spontaneously, without having a plan and carried out unconscious and natural character

The Nonverbal Communication memilki several objectives, namely:
Provide and provide information
Manage the flow of a conversation
Expressing emotions
Giving nature and complement, oppose or develop verbal messages
Control or influence others
Facilitate specific tasks, such as in giving instruction at the college

Sometimes in practice, in a merging of business communication occurs between verbal communication and nonverbal communication in a situation. Because these words are usually presented in a communications or conversations sometimes just bring some of the messages.
And its relevance in business communications, this type of nonverbal communication may determine the credibility and personal leadership, which can be seen from the characteristic sound, appearance, touch, movement and body position as well as through facial expressions and eyes.

By Courtland L. Bovee and Jhon V. Thilt in Business Communication Today, the communication process (Process Comunication) consists of six stages, namely:
1. The sender has an idea or ideas.
2. Sender turn an idea into a message.
3. Convey the message sender.
4. Recipients receive a message
5. Receiver interprets the message
6. Recipients to respond and send feedback to the sender
Communication Barriers
Interpersonal communication
* Perception and Language Differences
* Hearing the bad
* Emotional Disturbance
* Cultural Differences
* Physical Disorders
Communication in Organizations
* Excess burden of competing information and messages.
* Filtering inappropriate
* Climate closed or inadequate communication

To be able to develop the ability to communicate effectively, both personally and professionally at least we must master the four types of basic skills in communication, namely:
1. writes,
2. reading,
3. speaking;
4. listen

Percentage use of communication channels are as follows:
- Writing (writing): 9%
- Listening (listening): 45%
- Reading (reading): 16%
- Talking (Speaking): 30%

Conscious or not, every day we do, at least, one of the four mentioned above with our environment. Like breathing, communication is often considered as an event and just happen automatically, so often we do not have the awareness to do it effectively.

Communication activity is a routine activity and automatically performed, so that we can never learn it specifically, like how to write or read quickly and effectively or speak effectively as well as being a good listener.

According to Stephen Covey, is the communication skills essential in human life. The most important element in communicating is not just what we write or what we say, but our character and how we convey the message to the recipient of the message. Recipient of a message not just to hear the sentence delivered, but also read and evaluate our attitudes. So the main requirement in effective communication is a strong character that was built from the foundation of ethics and strong personal integrity.

No matter how talented a person, no matter how superior a team or no matter how strong legal case, success will not be obtained without the mastery of effective communication skills. Make effective communication skills will play a major role in supporting the achievement of the objectives of all activities. To be able to make effective communication, the ability to send messages or good information, the ability to be a good listener, and skills using various media or audio visual equipment is a very important part

Resistance factor that usually occurs in the communication process, can be divided into three types as follows:
Technical Barriers
Constraints of this type arise because of environment that provides preventive effects against the smooth delivery and receiving of messages. From the technological side, the limited facilities and communications equipment, will decrease with the new findings in the field of communication technology and information systems, so that the channels of communication in the communication media can be relied upon as well as more efficient.

Semantic Constraints
Impaired semantic bottlenecks in the process of delivering the understanding or idea effectively. Semantic definition is the study of understanding, which is expressed through language. An unclear message, will remain unclear how good the transmission.
To avoid this kind of mis-communication, a communicator must choose the right words and in accordance with komunikannya characteristics, and view and consider the possibility of different interpretations of the words yangdigunakannya.

Human Obstacles
Constraints of this type arise from the personal problems faced by people involved in communication, good communicators and communicants.

According to Cruden and Sherman, these barriers include:
Constraints derived from the human individual differences, such differences in perception, age, emotional state, status, listening skills, information search, information filtering.
Constraints posed by the psychological climate in organizations or social and cultural environments, such as the atmosphere and working climate and value system adopted.

Viewed from a business aspect, the organization is a management tool (viewed from the aspect of its activities). Correlation between Organizational Communication Studies with a focus lies in its review to the human beings involved in achieving organizational goals.
Within the scope of the organization, the main objective is to improve organizational communication, which is interpreted as an attempt was made to achieve management objectives. Organizational communication happens all the time. And can be defined as a performance and interpretation of messages between the communication units that are part of an organization. An organization composed of units of communication in relation to each other hierarchies and functions within an environment.
Business communication is a process of exchanging messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work within the structure of products (rank / level) and a conducive organizational system. In the normal business communication, the message should not just informative, namely the other side to understand and know, but it also must be persuasive, so that other parties are willing to accept an idea or a belief or performing an act or activity.
In the communication process all messages or information sent will be received by the recipient with a variety of different messages / information, either because of differences in background, perception, culture and other things. For that, a message or information submitted should meet the seven conditions or also known as 7 C, namely:

1. Completeness (Complete)
A message or information can be said complete if contains all materials necessary to enable the message recipient can provide appropriate responses in the hope pengirimpesan

2. Conciseness (Short)
Concise if a message can be said to express his ideas in the smallest possible number of words (short, dense but clear) without prejudice to the meaning, but still feature ideas.

3. Consideration (Advisory)
Submission of the message, should be applied with consideration and empathy for the recipient prioritize messages.

4. Concreteness (concrete)
Submission of the message should be delivered in a language that gambalang, definite and clear.

5. Clarity (Clarity)
Messages should be delivered in a language that is easily understood and easily interpreted, and having a clear meaning.

6. Courtessy (Courtesy)
The message conveyed by the language style and tone polite, to cultivate good relations in komunikas ibisnis.

7. Correctness (precision)
Messages should be made carefully, and use grammar, punctuation and spelling correctly (formal or official).

Differences in vocabulary background, and emotional statement, can also result in the emergence of a misunderstanding between the sender and the recipient. These problems include:
1. Problems in developing messages
2. Problems in conveying the message
3. Problems in interpreting the message

To be able to make effective communication may take several requirements,
Other atara: perception, assessment, credibility, control, and suitability / compatibility.
Effective communication can overcome the various obstacles faced by considering three things as follows:

1. Create a message in a more careful
2. Minimize interruptions in the communication process
3. Facilitate feedback between the sender and the recipient of the message

The success of communication within an organization will be determined by a shared understanding between those involved in communication activities. The similarity of this understanding is influenced by the clarity of the message, how to delivery of messages, communication behavior, and the situation (place and time) communication. Organizational communication typically uses a combination of ways to communicate (oral, written and impressions) that allows the peyerapan information more easily and clearly.
Empirically, the understanding of people about something that would be more easily absorbed and understood if something were shown compared to just played or read. And the result will be better again if something is communicated, other than shown are also well practiced.

The study of behavior among business executives pointed to the fact that the ability to communicate is a key element among the various factors needed to promote personal or organizational management to resolve the conflict management (Boove and Thill, 2002). In other words, the ability to communicate effectively at the same time is also one of the characteristics of quality human resource employees. Terminology, effective communication within an organization can be likened such as blood in the body and the key to success.

The success of business communications is also very much determined by the effectiveness of business communications. The effectiveness of business communication, as well as other types of communication is determined several things:

1. Perception
Communicators must be able to predict whether the message can be received by communicants.

2. The success of Information and Communication Technology
One of the success factors of business communications in the use of information and communication technology that is the process of integration of information regarding the availability of appropriate data communications. This involves several factors, among others, first, the coverage (range) data communication services products owned. Given the hierarchy, type, and size of the manufacturing system has different characteristics so that the necessary information needed by different types of communication services as well. Second, Coverage. Providers that can provide the necessary services at any location considering manufacturing locations spread out and sometimes in remote areas (rural areas). Third, the performance (the performance). High performance communication is a key condition to be guaranteed. Fourth, cost. Cost factor to be one factor to consider in order to keep efficiency can be improved.

Internet-based communication
Internet becomes a medium of communication which plays an important role in business development, in broad outline there are three main business activities that can be communicated via the Internet:

Building a Product.
Operational activities

Various business activities can be conducted via the Internet, some of which are as follows:
Internal data sharing.
Recruitment of prospective employees.
Obtain business partners, and customers.
Finding information on the external (outside parties).
Purchases of materials and equipment.
Promotion of products and services.
Supporting facilities for customers.
Media collaboration with business partners.
Publication of business development.

Internet-based business communications, it can be done in various ways, namely:
Using e-mail
Discussions through Mailing List (mailing list)
Create a group / community
Via video conference
Text message
Internet-based phone, and
Transfer of data / documents

3. Accuracy
Communicants or the audience has a frame of mind. In order to be well targeted communication, communicators need to express things I want to be submitted in accordance with the frame of mind communicants.

4. Credibility
In communicating communicators need to have a credible belief that the communicants. Instead he must also be able to get the trust of the communicants.

5. Control
In communications, communicating about providing reaksa / feedback / feedback on the message delivered. This reaction should be anticipated once controlled by the communicator so as not to deviate from the expected target of communication.

6. Suitability
A good communicator can always maintain friendly relations with the fun of communicants.
Another opinion says that in order komunikas run effectively and efficiently, then there are three very important things, namely:
1. Able to make the message understandable.
2. Should be expected to understand the message sent to you.
3. Control over the communication process should be applied.
Also in order to make effective business communication, a communicant must have three abilities (skills), namely:
1. Empathy,
2. Speakers are equal,
3. Projections or create an impact.
Thus if effectively enforced business communications in a company will be able to produce some of the following:
Accelerating Problem Resolution.
Strengthening Decision Making.
Improve Professionalism.
Provide a Positive Response to Stakeholder.
Increase Productivity.
Strengthen business relationships.

The role of communication within an organization is very important. No one in our daily tasks without communicating. Whether it's themed issue of work or problems outside work, such as family problems, political, social and national economy. All this must be done via communication. Also good was done through a vertical path (boss-subordinate) and horizontal lines (colleague level).
How far the process of communicating that works so well is largely determined by the condition and behavior of managers as the sender of an idea or message, the recipient of the message, the media is used, there yanga information technology, content of messages and how messages are conveyed and the atmosphere of communication itself. That success will be mirrored by the absence of the gap of understanding between the sender and the recipient so that the managers feel happy and satisfied, and so do the employees.

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